By John Eckman on February 21, 2011
Just checked in and tagged version 2.0.13 of WPBook. Thanks to BandonRandon for her patches!
A few quick updates in this release, but fairly minor:
- Moved and Unhid the infinite_session_key in admin WPBook setting screen. Lots of folks were confused by where that option was located.
- Fixed attribution line function which prevented %author% from working
- Added global gravatar setting – otherwise we only filter gravatars inside facebook. (This prevents wpbook from interfering with othee gravatars in themes outside fb).
- Added DONOTCACHEPAGE constant when pages are viewed inside facebook –
this should enable WPBook to better coordinate with wp-super-cache, though you will still need to use the “Use PHP to serve cached files” rather than “Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files” for this to work.
In addition, I started to experiment a bit with Facebook’s new iFrame based “tabs” for adding to profile pages. (They still call them tabs even though the new Profile Page layout doesn’t have tabs proper anymore). Unfortunately the auto-resize function which sizes the iframe to the right height for its content seems to be broken, or deprecated, or otherwise non-functional.
What does this mean for WPBook users? For now, it means keep using the FBML tabs model to add your page tabs. I will keep working on getting the iFrame-based tabs working, which will enable better support for videos and such on the profile page.
Your settings for your Facebook application, in the “Facebook Integration” section, should look more or less like this:

This means having the “Canvas Page Type” set to iFrame, with auto-resize, but leaving the “Page Tab Type” set to FBML, and using the ?app_tab=true&fb_force_mode=fbml
as the tab url.
If you’d like to experiment with iFrame-based tabs, you can try the setting, using just index.php
as the url but I think for now you will be unhappy with the results.
The real, long-term solution to page tabs will have to come in 2.1 along with the transition to OAuth-based authentication, the Graph-based API, and the latest Facebook SDK – not sure yet when that will be.
Posted in facebook, Syndicated, WPBook | Tagged
By Brooke on February 18, 2011
As you may know I’ve been working with WPBook for the past 2 years. In that time I’ve watched the project grown dramatically the plugin now has over 73,000 downloads. However, the project has only had a handful of people who have gotten involved with the project. Therefore, I wanted to write a quick blog post and give you a few ways to get involved.
Are you a programmer?
Great, we keep track of bugs and feature request over at our bug tracking system If you get a moment fix a bug or add a feature. You may also just wish to use this system to report bugs.
Are you a graphic designer?
Cool, you may be able to help us cook up some neat graphics for WPBook, update our logo, or just give us feedback that could otherwise improve the project.
Are you a writer?
Neat-o, we can use your help to spruce up the docs making sure they are easy to understand, accurate, clever and free of typos .
Want more ways to get involved?
Okay there are plenty of other ways to get involved. Head on over to the support forms and help a fellow user. I’ve also just set up a donate page where you can make a donation to help pay for website cost. We are also pledging to give 50% of any donations made to Charity Water. With a goal of $500.
If you have any questions or comments please let me know. Thanks!
Posted in Syndicated | Tagged
By John Eckman on January 9, 2011
Ours Goes to 11
Just tagged and checked in another maintenance release of WPBook, 2.0.11. This will be the last (hopefully) release in the 2.0 series – next up is 2.1, with OAuth 2.0 for authentication. (Facebook is migrating in this direction, which means eliminating by March 2011 some of the calls I’m relying on now).
This release also incorporates all the 2.0.10 changes, but it marked stable – so many of you will jump right from to 2.0.11.
Changes in 2.0.11:
- Removed “add to profile” tab options. (Facebook no longer allows these for individual profiles, only for Facebook Pages, and the button itself is not necessary).
- README updates – link to instructions
- Conditional checking for fb_page_target to avoid ‘premature end of FQL query”
- README updates on profile tabs
- Add pending_to_publish state. (This should pick up posts written by other authors but now approved by an editor).
- Filter JS out of FB share link
- Added more debugging info
Changes which were in 2.0.10 (and thus incorporated into 2.0.11):
- (Changes by bandonrandon, see
- Move includes into their own directory
- Incorporate FB avatar in comments imported
- New Admin Layout, images
- Bug fix: default for ‘post to facebook’ is set to true
- Links in permissions page point to
- FB tabs view moved to its own file in theme directory
I’ve also updated a few of the directions pages on to reflect more accurately what WPBook can do and what settings are necessary – that work will be ongoing this week to bring the directions up to speed with both Facebook changes and WPBook changes.
In the meanwhile, post in the forums in you’re having difficulty.
Posted in facebook, Open Source, Plugin, Syndicated, WordPress, WPBook | Tagged